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Image by Wynand Uys


Botswana Lerala Diamond Mine 

Fresh Camp Services Botswana was awarded the village upgrade and full services including catering,housekeeping, laundry, landscaping, and first line maintenance through Consulmet South Africa for Lerala Diamond mine. The duration was for a period of 1 year. Before the commencement of services, we refurbished the kitchen facility, replaced equipment where required in order to supply catering services. All ablutions were repaired and new hot water systems installed. The new gym was established with new equipment. All staff were locally employed from the immediate communities.


​Khoemacau Copper Mine 

Fresh Camp Services Botswana was awarded the total camp management services in October 2018.  The duration of the contract is a 3 year period. The contract covers all aspects of camp management being accommodation, housekeeping, catering, laundry, landscaping, and first line maintenance. We manage 3 different sites within the mining area being Toteng Village, Boseto Village and Zone  5 Village. All our staff is locally employed and focus has been given to the immediate areas around the mining area. We proud ourselves on using local suppliers wherever possible and supporting local agriculture in supplying a portion of our daily fresh vegetable requirements.


​Fluor (Khoemacau Copper Mine) 

The aim of the project was to provide a camp with all facilities and utilities that have the capacity to accommodate 800 staff and feed lunch to 1300.​The project encompassed the rehabilitation and improvement of the Boseto camp infrastructure through design and construction of infrastructure in the camp and supply of furniture and equipment after testing and repairs had been done on current furniture and equipment.​


The project was broken down into four phases as follows:​


Phase 1:​

Refurbishment of fifteen (15) 8 bedroom communal accommodation blocks including the supply of furniture and linen.

Upgrade of the ablution blocks.

Repairs to the kitchen and canteen including the appliances and provision of smalls.

Repairs to the existing laundry which we replaced completely with a new building.

Repairs and rehabilitation of the existing waste skip area.

Repairs to the electrical distribution including the upgrade of the external general area lighting to LED fixtures.

Supply of 13m x 14m new training centre including furniture and equipment. 


Phase 2:​

Build a roof structure over the entire kitchen and canteen.

Repair the lapas and braai areas.

Repairs to the recreation room (including the provision of an indoor gym) which we replaced completely with new building including the supply of gym apparatus and recreational room furniture and equipment.

Supply outdoor gym.

Provision of fire suppression. 


Phase 3 (Mobilisation Stage):​

Upgrade of the existing “porta cabin” style accommodation and/or replacement with new 8 off new bedroom communal accommodation blocks and ensuite units to accommodate a balance of construction staff. 

Phase 4 – 1190 man Construction phase Camps (in planning Stage):

​Supply and erection of 5 construction phase camps across the KCM sites totaling 1190 man.

The supply of all units, tents, and F&E as follows:

Flat pack 2 bedroom on suit accommodation units

6 room 5 x 10 m accommodation tents

Dormitory style 5 x 10 m accommodation tents

Flat Pack common Ablutions

Flat pack Kitchens

Laundry Tents

Dining Hall tents

Recreational tents

Image by Justice Hubane
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